Creationists: Eat this!
A brilliant post by Hitchens as usual. Most idiots propounding intelligent design often use as an example the eye. How can something as complex as the eye come about by evolution? Surely there must be a higher force driving the creation of the eye. Ya whatever.
The piece is about cave salamanders, which live in caverns around the world. The amazing thing is that since these creatures have been living in an area where there is no light, these animals have lost the need for eyes and hence have no eyes.
This is mind boggling. Read the bit about what Dawkins says - awesome.
Science - 1 , Stupidity - 0
Take that all you I.D. cretins..
The piece is about cave salamanders, which live in caverns around the world. The amazing thing is that since these creatures have been living in an area where there is no light, these animals have lost the need for eyes and hence have no eyes.
This is mind boggling. Read the bit about what Dawkins says - awesome.
Science - 1 , Stupidity - 0
Take that all you I.D. cretins..